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The basic composition of the supermarket cash register

Release Time:2019-04-09

Supermarket cash registers we should have seen, but we may not understand the basic composition of it, in fact, the purchase of supermarket cash registers is also very important, we usually in the purchase cash register cash registers To look for regular manufacturers. Kunming cash registers, Kunming supermarket cash register, recognition of ultra-Friends of technology, high-quality cash register suppliers. The following Super Friends of science and technology Xiaobian give you about the supermarket cash registers.



1, the supermarket cash registers are: cashier, cash register, scanners, computer host, cash box, keyboard, printer, customer display, computer screen, card reader.


2, the supermarket cash registers function: placing goods, scanning goods, computer systems, place sales and spare money, hand bar code and other operations, print a small computer tickets to facilitate customers to see the price of their purchase of goods, cashier Verify that the item data matches the computer display.


3, the supermarket cash register switch procedures:


A, supermarket cash register boot program: power (URS power) → host → display → printer


B, supermarket cash registers machine program: exit the system → printer → display → host → power